Call me behind the times, old-fashioned, cautious.
The truth is, that I have, up until now, only owned one cell phone and it wasn't even a flip phone. It was before flip phones. It was the model between the Zack Morris and the flip, (I guess?).
So, yes, call me what you will, I don't mind. What I would call myself is unwilling to follow trends and be a sheep. In the cell phone category anyway. (I'm totally positive I baaa like a sheep in other ways).
The only reason I really ever needed a cell phone before, was so my children or their caregivers could reach me if I were out of the home while they were at school, or out with friends. Usually, though, I was at home or at work during those times, so the need wasn't large enough for me to warrant purchasing a phone and committing to a monthly bill.
Also, I am not a big fan of people getting ahold of me wherever I am. It's the fallout from too many years working in the retail sector. My time is my time. Enough said.
However. When I went public with my art business (at Christmas!), I sure found out quickly how necessary having a device which keeps me in contact with people at all times was.
And, let's just disclose up front that I have literally been drooling over my husband's iPhone ever since he got it and I saw how cool it is. Seriously. So. Cool.
So, yes I got an iPhone 5. On December 31, 2012 and I couldn't be happier with my decision. My only regret is how concerned I have become about losing the phone, or more accurately, having it stolen.
Other than that I am in love.
My favourite things about this device are:
+ the camera
+ the apps for the camera
+ the fact that I can take pictures wherever I am
+ the fact that I can view my pictures wherever I am
+ the connections! I can talk to my husband whenever I want, I can text my son or friends whenever, and voila! we are connected!
+ the productivity. I am mobile now. I can post to all of my social media venues, I can even write a blog post, and soon I may even be able to create drawings right on my phone!
+ the distraction. When I find myself sitting somewhere, waiting, I can be making notes, editing my camera roll, setting reminders...whatever. Plus, when we are on the road, my daughter can use it to play games and create fun art too!
+ the music. Well, not yet, because we have to upgrade our software on the MacBook before we can sync our new i 5's (we=my husband upgraded too!) But soon! Music! Yay!
+ facetime: I am a big proponent of face to face interaction. Hence the delay on cell phone ownership. Face time was made for me!!
So, you can probably tell that I mostly wanted the camera, which seems crazy for a $700 device, but honestly, it is amazing, and it helps me curb my craze for photography in a big way without toting around my other $$$ camera wherever I go. And, it is so much more than a camera, so obviously I wanted it for more than that, but the camera is a huge plus.
All in all, I love my new phone, and now I can say I am a sheep who is IN with the times!