Right now I'm enjoying this season of life. Not just the season of autumn, but this moment in my life where my children fill me with complete joy and my days are humming along in a sweet rhythm I can groove to.
We've carved out a good routine here lately that seems to work. My husband works those long days and he has little time to be with us, so dinnertime is important. My work schedule allows me to be able to have dinner ready earlier than usual so we can eat soon after he gets home, with some time to connect afterwards. Then, I'm busy making lunches, finishing up my one-load-a-day of laundry, quick tidying and homeworking with the kids.
By the time my girl is asleep I am at a place where I can catch up on my bloglovin' blogs that I love, check instagram or read for about half an hour. Then I try to plan/write a blog post, work on an art project, sketch or script some ideas out or free write ideas that buzz around my head all day.
Right now, I'm recovering (finally) from a gross head cold that plagued me all last week, so my laundry was about three loads high and sweeping up was more of a chore than usual, but oh-well. Here I am writing a blog post that's been incubating in my head all weekend, so I think I'm winning:)!
And, here are some other things which are particularly awesome, challenging or otherwise noteable for us right now.
Mother Nature is doing an amazing job of romancing my artist heart, and I'm so grateful for the awesome beauty outside right now!
I'm reading a book called Create On Purpose and it's rocking my world! Thanks to Deb for lending it to me.
My boy is becoming a grown-up! He's about to start a new and exciting job and he's envisioning a future for himself. I am so in love with that kid, man I feel blessed to have been chosen by him to witness this life of his.
I'm dying to paint and create all day long and have trouble juggling a job, research business plans and create new work to sell.
I'm doing myself a lot of favours and remembering to breathe deep, stay centred, stay optimistic and stay up late to burn the idea of this new career into my brain.
Totally ok with stepping up my game to get things happening. Sleep? Well, I like sleep, but I like freedom more.
I've been stealing any five minutes I can find to practice hand lettering, scripting or doodling. The photos above are of some random practice pages I painted in the early spring. Looking at them tonight as I edited them in photoshop, I had to actually give myself credit. I realized that I kinda like the messy, imperfect, practice stuff. Usually I beat myself silly about my work and keep trying to go at it until I see no mistakes or sloppy strokes, but you know, it's all beautiful because each piece, each stroke, each moment is another step forward toward my dream.
I've been nurturing a (very EXCITING!) seed of an idea to build a project that centers around creative passions, self worth and getting unstuck in life. It's a vision I can see coming to fruition in the new year sometime, so I'm letting it be something that simmers on the back burner, but its also a vision that I have a lot of clarity around. I will be asking a few people to collaborate with me and I'm so pumped!
Annnd tonight, while making lunches, another seed of an idea popped up: I want to talk to the local creative mompreneurs that are so inspiring to me! I want to create a community of resources and inspiration here on the coast, where other people can go to be filled up with hope and inspiration around building their OWN creative lives/jobs/dreams. Do you want to talk to me? Cool! I'm going to be working on drafting up some interview questions, so if you're in, I'm stoked! Let's do this! Shoot me an email: [email protected] and we'll talk.
Right now, life is busy, full and awesome & I feel like Its all ok.