Posted at 06:00 AM in Family life, natural light photography, Project Life Digital, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0)
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In this house, we skip rope in the kitchen
and shove the furniture about to make way for handstands,
cartwheels, building huge towers of Jenga blocks,
or five puzzles in an afternoon.
In this house we throw a mattress down on the floor of the front room
so teenagers can sleep over.
In this house, the mattress stays there, because, have you tried this?
(A mattress in the middle of the common space is like an easy and soft place to land, at any point in the
In this house there are tomatoes and avocadoes hanging out next to the bananas and oranges, and
coconut milk in the fridge, cookies in the jar, and neopolitan in the freezer.
In this house there is a half finished sky light, floors that need sweeping, and two hard working parents
trying their best, always.
In this house there is loud and soft, raucaus and easy, stomping feet, slamming doors, coffee brewing,
flowers blooming (and wilting), kids yelling, parents laughing, mothers crying, fathers joking; there is anger,
there is joy, there is bored, sad, lonely, content.
In this house there is love and time and patience. There is learning and growing, imperfections and
mistakes, trying and winning and failing.
In this house there is living; full-on living.
Posted at 06:30 AM in 2013 projects, Family life, natural light photography, Photography | Permalink | Comments (2)
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Posted at 06:30 AM in courage, Family life, natural light photography, Photography, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Reinvent. Recover. Return. Realize. Reconstruct. Rehabilitate. Reborn. Relive. Redo. Rethink. Recalibrate. Refocus.
I have been uncovering, discovering, and hearing retellings of people returning from disaster and distress. I have been living it. I have been doing it, I have been helping through it. I am listening to it, seeing it, feeling it. It is everywhere and we are in it. Fully.
Everywhere I look, I see words describing this. People are shouting to me. The storms, the mess, the chaos, the dark.
But, these troubling times speak of brighter days ahead.
The grasses are growing agian. The sap is running and I am moving in a whirlwind direction. The storm of my life is catching speed and I feel the crux, the eye, the point, the climax is almost here.
We are almost there.
In the cradle of being almost there, I am drawn to refocus. Recalibrate. Return. Redo. I am drawn into the fever of Mercury Retrograde.
I need to drink more water and take kinder care of myself. I need to challenge my body and clean up my thoughts. My kids need to be my landing spot of gentle and compassion. I need to be kinder to them. Lighter. Reconnected.
I need to keep steady on the things my husband does that show his love. He's a practical man and his love comes through that way. I'm romantic and sensitive and touchy feely all over the place. My love comes through that way. We need to do better at meeting in the middle. But for now, I must refocus my energy around him and all the love he surrounds us in by keeping us safe and warm.
I need to rethink my thinking and repurpose my purpose. Recycle my goals and reuse what still makes sense. Redo. Reconstruct. I need to find my center--not anybody else's--mine. My own. I need to outline it, write it, paint it, draw it. DO IT.
I need to shut out the voices. Shut off the damn internet. This shit is addicting and not always in the best way. I was reluctant to jump into all the media when it first came about, and I now see why. My heart has a hard time ingesting, digesting, all the noise. And the thoughts. And the barrage of stuff. I love it for many reasons and hate it for many. I need to recalibrate our relationship. Reinvent it, maybe. I will be the first to admit that I contribute to the noise quite well. It's moderate in comparison to many and I really do the posting for me because its a record of this life and these thoughts and these feelings. That's why I love it. The part I have to get over is the listening and watching how others are doing life and thinking I am inadequate somehow. That I don't do life as well. I need to remember that even reality media is cloaked in a mask. We are all wearing a mask. I want to peek out from my mask once in awhile and show up as me and be OKAY with that.
I want to refocus.
Hey, Monday, let's be friends and see if we can get some of these priorities shifting, shall we?
Happy week friends. Thank you for continuing to show up here and take a peek at me and my thinking-dumps. I do love that you're here, and I'm happy to hear your thoughts, if you feel inclined to share. Or just say hi! Please, do say hi sometime.
Posted at 05:30 AM in design, Family life, fonts, Project Life Digital, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Call me behind the times, old-fashioned, cautious.
The truth is, that I have, up until now, only owned one cell phone and it wasn't even a flip phone. It was before flip phones. It was the model between the Zack Morris and the flip, (I guess?).
So, yes, call me what you will, I don't mind. What I would call myself is unwilling to follow trends and be a sheep. In the cell phone category anyway. (I'm totally positive I baaa like a sheep in other ways).
The only reason I really ever needed a cell phone before, was so my children or their caregivers could reach me if I were out of the home while they were at school, or out with friends. Usually, though, I was at home or at work during those times, so the need wasn't large enough for me to warrant purchasing a phone and committing to a monthly bill.
Also, I am not a big fan of people getting ahold of me wherever I am. It's the fallout from too many years working in the retail sector. My time is my time. Enough said.
However. When I went public with my art business (at Christmas!), I sure found out quickly how necessary having a device which keeps me in contact with people at all times was.
And, let's just disclose up front that I have literally been drooling over my husband's iPhone ever since he got it and I saw how cool it is. Seriously. So. Cool.
So, yes I got an iPhone 5. On December 31, 2012 and I couldn't be happier with my decision. My only regret is how concerned I have become about losing the phone, or more accurately, having it stolen.
Other than that I am in love.
My favourite things about this device are:
+ the camera
+ the apps for the camera
+ the fact that I can take pictures wherever I am
+ the fact that I can view my pictures wherever I am
+ the connections! I can talk to my husband whenever I want, I can text my son or friends whenever, and voila! we are connected!
+ the productivity. I am mobile now. I can post to all of my social media venues, I can even write a blog post, and soon I may even be able to create drawings right on my phone!
+ the distraction. When I find myself sitting somewhere, waiting, I can be making notes, editing my camera roll, setting reminders...whatever. Plus, when we are on the road, my daughter can use it to play games and create fun art too!
+ the music. Well, not yet, because we have to upgrade our software on the MacBook before we can sync our new i 5's (we=my husband upgraded too!) But soon! Music! Yay!
+ facetime: I am a big proponent of face to face interaction. Hence the delay on cell phone ownership. Face time was made for me!!
So, you can probably tell that I mostly wanted the camera, which seems crazy for a $700 device, but honestly, it is amazing, and it helps me curb my craze for photography in a big way without toting around my other $$$ camera wherever I go. And, it is so much more than a camera, so obviously I wanted it for more than that, but the camera is a huge plus.
All in all, I love my new phone, and now I can say I am a sheep who is IN with the times!
Posted at 06:56 AM in 2013 projects, Family life, Photography, Project Life Digital, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Today is Monday January 28, 2013.
It is a day full of appointments, short visits and roasted chicken.
It is a cool grey day on the Island, and a day that must have some creating within it.
Today I will pay some bills and sort some papers.
Today I will ask some questions and pray for some answers.
It is a day where new things will begin and old things will end.
It is a day that will harken the coming month and will reveal sneek peeks of spring. Of hope.
Today is Monday. Today is pivotal. Today is mundane. Today is magical.
Today is going to be awesome, because Today I am alive and I have been given another chance to take a spin around the sun.
Posted at 09:42 AM in Current Affairs, design, Family life | Permalink | Comments (4)
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Oh, this sweet little creature came unexpectedly into our lives last March and she swiftly stole our hearts. Today she turns ONE YEAR OLD!
To celebrate, I wrote a letter to our sweet puppy, Ruby.
Dear Ruby,
Last spring we stumbled upon you at a little girl's birthday party and unexpectedly fell in love. We had been yearning and contemplating getting a dog, but didn't know what breed or how big. You certainly were no where near being on the radar. We originnally wanted a German Shepherd. Ruby. You are not a German Shepherd, although you sometime think you are. Until you meet one up close and realize that you are not.
Daddy was definitely not too sure about you at first. You are a small dog and you are wired full of crazy energy and you didn't like to listen. He felt you were too small to be smart and he had is doubts about how weel you would behave, but he has his doubts about many things in life, so I wasn't too worried. I knew his big soft heart that LOVES all animals (except horses...he's not sure about horses...I'm working on him!) would melt for you eventually. And it has. You two are definitely pals and he sulks a little each night when you'd rather cuddle into my soft body than his.
Which brings me to another point. Sometimes we think you are a human because you sleep like an infant and you cuddle up like a babe and really you just seem to "get" us when we talk to you and so sometimes we think you are part human. But mostly we think you are part monkey, part cat, part gremlin and sometimes you remind us of Stitch. You know, the alien from that movie filmed in Hawaii. Totally Stitch.
Your new nickname is Shredder. Why? Well, most of the time you are sweet and fun and curious and cute. But sometimes you are viscious and you chew everything! Everything, including Daddy's arms when you play with him. He gave you that name, and I think it fits. Besides, I think it helps him feel better about having such a small dog. Makes you seem bigger.
You are fun. You are hilarious when we let you loose in the park or the field. You run so fast we can barely see you and I am not exxagerating! I love to watch you do that and so does everyone else. It's amazing. You and my little girl are love-hate sisters and she dresses you up in her doll clothes and she torments you with hugs, but you chew up her stuffies and Polly Pockets, so I guess its even.
The teen in our house did not want a dog. He wanted a new cat. Then he met you and there was no turning back. Thank you for that. I know how important having a dog is for a teen. I'll bet that sometimes you are the only being he feels he can trust in this whole world. I am so grateful fo that.
As for me? Well, I'm a mama bear and you, little dog are the third baby that I kind of wished I'd had, (without all the work). Because you are small and will always be small, you are my baby and in my mind you will never not be a baby. Thank you for that Ruby dog. Now all you need to learn is to be a better poser for photos. Seriously. Oh, and quit chewing up all the napkins. And stay off the table.
Happy Birthday Ruby! We love you.
XOXO, your family.
Posted at 09:12 AM in Family life, Photography, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0)
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I've had big plans to get back on track this month. Clean up after Christmas and get the ball rolling on my business, my personal life, my spirtual health.
And all I feel is sidetracked and sidewinded.
There have been definite stops in the plans I had set forth. Life has taken another twist and I am focusing on helping my boy heal his soft and gentle soul; letting him rest while schooling him at home.
So there's that.
And then there's the seven year old who is trying very hard to grow up very fast.
And become a teenager.
Lord have mercy.
However. As I write these words bemoaning my progress, or perceived lack therof, I realize that really, the only thing I haven't been doing is blogging. And that's understandable because my boy has been working on the laptop, so time is tight for me to be here.
I have about five posts circulating in my brain and because they haven't gotten out, I feel they're losing steam, relevance and I'm losing interest.
All I can really say is I am following my heart.
My children come first and my eldest needs me right now.
And the moments in life where he needs me are quickly dwindling.
So I'm just gonna stay right there and hang with him until his smile can be what warms the world again.
Nonetheless. I have been working hard on my OLW plan. I have been working on new and exciting projects which will be revealed here soon. I have been dreaming up new card designs and geometric paintings are haunting my heart. My photoshop skills are sharpening and I am diving into new and unexpected territory there, which is exciting. Also, I keep having these flashes of brilliance wherein my old, salvaged dressers which I picked up on the side of the road for free are painted in a deep, rich chocolate color. Maybe with some van Gogh chalk paint? Yes. It's all culminating. It's all here. I just need to wait for the space where nurturing lends itself to fruit.
And I trust that the Universe has set that all in motion. Long ago, in fact.
So, really. I am doing just fine with where I am and what I've been doing. I just needed to write this blog post so I could remind myself of that.
Follow your heart, friends.
Posted at 07:00 AM in 2013 projects, Family life, Paintings, Scripting and hand-lettering, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (2)
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This is the post wherein I confess an anomaly for someone who is a creative person.
I don't scrapbook.
There, it's off my chest. Phew!
I totally considered making beautiful scrapbooks for both my babies, but I just couldn't get into it. And that perplexed me.
Well, I think the whole idea of scrapbooking is to be creative with paper and organization and color combinations and photos and I love all those elements, but what I don't love is the process. I don't dig the sit down and cut paper and do a layout and glue the pieces and add some embellishment and make it look cohesive. And it perplexes me because, I tell myself, I should love that process. I am a creative soul; I should love all things creative.
But, no. I do not.
And, really, that's okay. I'm a free spirit and my process is not orderly. My process is "throw some lines down and see what you can see" kinda thing.
More or less.
However, what I do really dig about scrapbooking and journalling is the memory keeping that it entails. I love that part so much.
And I wish I could love to scrapbook, because I have so many beautiful photos and so many wonderful memories, and these two babies of mine are growing up fast, and my husband and I are getting older every year, and I want something tangible other than the photos on my hardrive to serve as proof that we were here and we lived this life and we were a family and we loved each other.
I want to compile the love togther in one place, where I can add bits of remembered conversations and tuck keepsakes of events or favorite traditions or show quotes or whatever we were really doing in this real life circus.
Aaaaaannnnd, full disclosure: I want it to look pretty.
(It's a downfall really. That artist-designer thing I got going on).
So, what's a girl to do?
Do it digital, that's what!
I love my Photoshop. I love my camera. I love my MacBook. I love spending time designing things with all of those elements, and I love that there are no scissors or glue involved.
And wouldn't you know it? There's a system for that! It's called Digital Project Life, which spins-off from the paper version of the same name, invented by Becky Higgins.
I'm so exited to announce that I am partcipating in Digital Project Life for 2013! Yay!
Last year I followed Elise Blaha as she devloped and created her own Project Life albums, and I simply fell in love with this really cool way to perserve memories (and make them look pretty). This year I thought to myself, "You really need to do this, but what you should do is design it in photoshop, since, you know, one of your goals this year is to strengthen your PS skills."
Yes, I really thought that. I figured I could do up some simple designs to act as fillers and journalling spaces and the rest would be photos and scanned images from our life. Then, I remembered all of the online book printing services out there and VOILA!, I was in business.
Then! Something cool happened. I follow Becky Higgins' blog and last week she blogged about a new format for Project Life: digital!
Oh my gracious! Heavenly.
So I jumped on that bandwagon and purchased the Seafoam Core Kit designed by Elise, (because I love her style) and now, I am ready to roll! (The link above shows you the paper version of the kit. I purchased the download of it instead, since I am doing a digital version. You can find that here.)
Now I get to scrapbook on my computer, where I am most comfortable, and I will have perserved these sacred and fleeting moments of life when my kids were still here within arms reach and where we were still a family of four.
Stayed tuned for ongoing updates on what this will look like as I post shots of layouts and talk about where our weeks take us this year!
*I am working on Project Life as a way to transform my family connections. This is part of my OLW committment for 2013 and definitely a way that I am "participating relentlessly" in the aim toward happiness.
Posted at 02:32 PM in 2013 projects, Family life, Photography, Project Life Digital, Web/Tech, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0)
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