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Posted at 07:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Mercury Retrograde in full effect. I can't load photos to the blog so I guess that means its back to reading for this gal. Check in soon for new posts. In the meantime, you haven't heard of Kid President, you must check him out now! Even if you have, go back and watch again. Smiles, people! Smiles!
Happy Tuesday.
Posted at 06:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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'Beliefs act like coloured lenses in front of your eyes. They filter out certain realities and let others in. Beliefs are always self-reinforcing. You see through them and find evidence for your beliefs all around you, regardless of what the belief is.'
'The greatest leverage for moving yourself and your life forward is to examine and change your beliefs...this is...one of the most significant opportunities to speed your personal development and your ability to manifest what you want. '
'People who let go of old beliefs look and feel lighter, younger and more open. They laugh more easily and enjoy more of life's abundant possibilities. The word enlightenment actually means "to lighten up". '
'Would you like to change a few beliefs?'
Excerpted from Creating On Purpose: the spiritual technology of manifesting through the chakras by Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman. (pp. 66-7)
**The above passage has been paraphrased in parts. Where you see breaks in the passage and where you see three continuous dots (...) is where I have taken liberty to paraphrase for brevity to support the feeling I was trying to capture with this quote.
Posted at 06:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Right now I'm enjoying this season of life. Not just the season of autumn, but this moment in my life where my children fill me with complete joy and my days are humming along in a sweet rhythm I can groove to.
We've carved out a good routine here lately that seems to work. My husband works those long days and he has little time to be with us, so dinnertime is important. My work schedule allows me to be able to have dinner ready earlier than usual so we can eat soon after he gets home, with some time to connect afterwards. Then, I'm busy making lunches, finishing up my one-load-a-day of laundry, quick tidying and homeworking with the kids.
By the time my girl is asleep I am at a place where I can catch up on my bloglovin' blogs that I love, check instagram or read for about half an hour. Then I try to plan/write a blog post, work on an art project, sketch or script some ideas out or free write ideas that buzz around my head all day.
Right now, I'm recovering (finally) from a gross head cold that plagued me all last week, so my laundry was about three loads high and sweeping up was more of a chore than usual, but oh-well. Here I am writing a blog post that's been incubating in my head all weekend, so I think I'm winning:)!
And, here are some other things which are particularly awesome, challenging or otherwise noteable for us right now.
Mother Nature is doing an amazing job of romancing my artist heart, and I'm so grateful for the awesome beauty outside right now!
I'm reading a book called Create On Purpose and it's rocking my world! Thanks to Deb for lending it to me.
My boy is becoming a grown-up! He's about to start a new and exciting job and he's envisioning a future for himself. I am so in love with that kid, man I feel blessed to have been chosen by him to witness this life of his.
I'm dying to paint and create all day long and have trouble juggling a job, research business plans and create new work to sell.
I'm doing myself a lot of favours and remembering to breathe deep, stay centred, stay optimistic and stay up late to burn the idea of this new career into my brain.
Totally ok with stepping up my game to get things happening. Sleep? Well, I like sleep, but I like freedom more.
I've been stealing any five minutes I can find to practice hand lettering, scripting or doodling. The photos above are of some random practice pages I painted in the early spring. Looking at them tonight as I edited them in photoshop, I had to actually give myself credit. I realized that I kinda like the messy, imperfect, practice stuff. Usually I beat myself silly about my work and keep trying to go at it until I see no mistakes or sloppy strokes, but you know, it's all beautiful because each piece, each stroke, each moment is another step forward toward my dream.
I've been nurturing a (very EXCITING!) seed of an idea to build a project that centers around creative passions, self worth and getting unstuck in life. It's a vision I can see coming to fruition in the new year sometime, so I'm letting it be something that simmers on the back burner, but its also a vision that I have a lot of clarity around. I will be asking a few people to collaborate with me and I'm so pumped!
Annnd tonight, while making lunches, another seed of an idea popped up: I want to talk to the local creative mompreneurs that are so inspiring to me! I want to create a community of resources and inspiration here on the coast, where other people can go to be filled up with hope and inspiration around building their OWN creative lives/jobs/dreams. Do you want to talk to me? Cool! I'm going to be working on drafting up some interview questions, so if you're in, I'm stoked! Let's do this! Shoot me an email: [email protected] and we'll talk.
Right now, life is busy, full and awesome & I feel like Its all ok.
Posted at 06:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Hello and good morning!
I want to extend a really big thank you to everyone who read and commented on Monday's post. It means more to me than I could ever say to connect with people on a level of healing our souls, which I believe gratitude does for us.
At the beginning of 2013, I struggled with finding a voice for this blog. I began blogging in 2011 after I was taken off work by my doctor due to stress and anxiety. Back then, everything I wrote was straight out of my heart because I was in a place that needed healing in a big way. At the start of this year, however, I began to try and "be a blogger" which I realized quickly made no sense for me.
I'm a writer, it's true. Writing has always been natural and necessary for me. I write to understand how I feel. I also make art for the very same reason. These passions help me navigate my heart and mind and spirit. Recently I decided that my voice in this blog must be mine. I can't be coached or categorized or scheduled. It can't be a "blogger" voice. It has to flow naturally from my own lived experience. It has to be me.
It thrills me to know that what I have to say resonates with you, too. I believe part of my purpose on earth is to connect to spirit and to help others do the same.
So thank you for connecting with me here, for reading, commenting and being brave enough to tell me that this matters to you too.
It's a wonderful thing to be able to see the sacred reflected in each other.
Have a wonderful weekend, and if you are celebrating Thanksgiving, I wish you a beautiful time enjoying good food, friends, family and the moody, awesome weather of fall.
Posted at 06:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)
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I've decided to start the week and the day off on the right foot by declaring five things (in random succession) that I am grateful for right now.
I hope to make this a regular feature here on my blog so that I can hold myself more accountable in those moments where I start to get pissed at everything. You know those days right? Like when there's no food for lunches, you've worked all day and come home to a messy kitchen, you haven't had exercise in three days, two people want your attention at once, no one is listening, everyone is grumpy...
Those ones.
So, maybe if I spend five minutes on a Monday morning thinking and writing about what I am grateful for, then perhaps those days won't be as tough to navigate when they strike.
Because, they will strike again. Oh, yes. They will.
Ok, so for today's five things:
Earl Grey tea
My hardworking husband
Lavender essential oil
1) I love October because it is a beautiful month in Canada, and here on the island. This weekend was a really warm and sunny one which is the best to see the changing colours in . Also, I love October because my beautiful mama was born in this month, so I always get to celebrate her existence at such a lovely time of the year.
2) Earl Grey is my go-to tea for the fall season. It's simple and comforting with a splash of almond milk. Or, add a splash of vanilla and maybe a small touch of honey or stevia for an at-home london fog.
3) My husband just started a new job which has him out the door at three a.m. and not home again until five p.m. or later. He usually has just two hours to relax before bed, which includes having to shower and eat dinner. Sometimes he also spends time doing yard and household repairs or chores after work. He is pretty much non-stop work during much of the year and he does it to provide a comfortable and fun life for all of us. He also ALWAYS makes time to spend with us as a family. I admire his high energy levels, tenacious spirit and dedication to family, health and hardwork. I am so grateful for the man he is.
4) I used to make natural skin care products using essential oils that I would blend into delicious scent combinations and mix into various carrier mediums. Lavender oil is my absolute favourite and lately I've been carrying a bottle around with me to use in moments when I need to come back to center. It's (for me) such a calming and soothing scent, it almost instantly makes me feel better to smell it.
5) I met a woman called Deb about two years ago through some of my husband's friends. She's taught yoga for many years. Recently we ended up at a backyard get-together and really hit it off, talking about personal healing and health, anxiety and personal boundaries. We decided to get together to talk more and she offered to show me a new program of yoga she's working on that focuses on chakra balancing. Of course, I was game, so for the past two Thursday's she's invited me into her lovely home and we've spent time talking, bending, breathing and having a wonderful time. Having this space and time to strengten myself, as well as getting to know Deb has been a wonderful source of joy for me lately. SO GRATEFUL.
Tell me, what are you grateful for on a Monday morning?
Posted at 09:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (3)
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I have a big love affair with words. Or, rather, I lust after words. Words are the easiest way I have to express myself. But sometimes, I get carried away in the rapids of thought and word and I get too big for my own britches.
I've been trying to formulate a post which condenses and expounds the road to here. The road of pain and hurt and the undoing I've been actively working on for the past two and a half years. It's becoming somewhat of a novel in my head, and really, I'm ready to be done with it. I'm ready to move on and open up into what's to come.
First though, I feel I must write something about my journey. If only for posterity (my grandchildren might want to know about me one day).
Actually, though? It's healing to write out your journey.
When you write, or talk, about what you've been through, you actually dizcover things--work stuff out--that you didn't realize was there all along. When you keep your thoughts inside, you think you have it all figured out. Then, when you allow them to come tumbling forward, you see, with your heart, that there was more inside of than you really knew.
And then, you actually become the observer of your own mind, heart & soul. This is powerful stuff, friends.
So here it is.
Two and a half years ago, everything I thought I knew about myself came crashing down around me in a fiery mess of flames and destruction.
Really, that's it.
But, no, of course there's more.
There's the depression which was so crushing I longed to run far, far away, to take the burden of who I was off my family. I was a failure--in my own mind.
There's the anxiety and resulting dizziness that was so intense I spent days feeling like the earth had become liquified and I was walking on waves everywhere I went. I thought for sure, I was dying.
There was the pain so acute in my body that when I spent an hour in the most wonderfully zen Reiki room, I cried silent tears because I couldn't straighten out my neck enough to lay down in comfort. My soul was burning up its pain and sending the message to my muscles, nerves, cells, every fibre of my being.
There was the fear that I was a complete hack and had nothing to offer this world. I was not worthy.
Then there was the the time I spent walking through the flames of blind trust when an outsider tried to threaten my whole world.
And the time I had to sit and listen to a psychiatrist tell me that my child was severly depressed and anxious and many other heartwrenching things that go along with depression and anxiety.
This has been my road to here.
I've been firewalking. Over searing coals, through walls of torching flames. Into pits of burning lava. Under skies of rumbling thunder and electrifying lightening.
Through these 2.5 years, I've had no choice but to let the fire consume me. I've had no choice than to open up and allow the flames to lick away at the layers of wrong thinking and toxic belief. I've had no choice than to become my true self. To shed the cloak of martyrdom and servitude and believe in my own desires and their merit in this world.
To believe in my merit in this world.
And this firewalking journey is not over.
I have days where I feel I'm seeing myself, truly, for the first time and it's such a wonderful sight.
And then there are the days where I doubt myself, my abilities, my worth.
But, the difference now is that I have cleansed away the toxic buildup of past conditioning with the fury of the flames, and I have a powerful source of love from which to draw strength: SELF LOVE.
Life keeps throwing up it's fireballs. That's never going to change. What's different for me now is that I believe in myself, my worth and my value.
I believe that what I want in life is important. I am important, and I have a purpose in this world.
So, when shame and doubt and fear and confusion and anger come at me, I know how to be gentle with myself, and I know how to walk through it welcome it all in.
I've learned that each of these feelings, these thoughts, these experiences are simply messengers sent to us for protection. They are designed to help us to survive. Problem is, we've become dangerously reliant on them, so much so, that we start to believe that their message is the onlly valid truth.
It isn't.
Here's what I believe to be true:
We all come to Earth as souls living the human experience in a magnificent and harsh world. In my cosmology, we revisit the earth over and over. We have contracts with our souls to fulfill certain destinies. We travel through our many lives with many of the people we are with right now. Over and over. We come here fully formed in our Divinity, but because we are in human bodies, living a human life, we forget our Divinity. Our work is to discover the glory that lives inside of us (our Divine Selves) and to manifest this beauty throughout our lives.
It's a hard task. Harder for some, easier for others. None of it matters, and all of it matters. The number one thing to remember is that LOVE is the true and only reason for life and if we do not LOVE well, we do not honour our soul contracts. If we do not honour our contracts, we must revisit our lessons until they become clear and learned and known.
Right now, I've observed in my own life a few profound things:
- it's getting easier to work through the fear and shame and doubt and anger when they visit
- I believe this is so because I have learned to LOVE myself fully and unconditionally
Plainly put: I am a wonderful human being who is imperfect, yet Divine. I am capable of doing great things, and also of making big mistakes. Neither one of those things define ME. Mistakes or accomplishments. I am worthy no matter what.
When I look at life this way; when I love mySELF this way, I am more open to love the folly of those around me. To remember they too are DIVINE and worthy of love based soley on the fact that they are alive.
Each of us has a light. Some of us have done a really good job of hiding our light. We have to burn through our protective layers of toxicity to find it.
It's there, waiting for us to feed the flame.
Are you with me?
Posted at 09:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (3)
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