Ahhh. It's summertime. My favourite time. My freedom time.
I love summer. I love heat, sun and water. I love the freedom and ease of long long days where time stretches and unfolds and unfetters itself into boundless energy. I love the non-routine of it. The looseness of it. I love the joy of having my children around me at all times.
I have decided to change directions for the summer and loosen up my expectations for my art. I am going to dive head first into what has been coined "brave intuitive painting" and spin it on its head and make it look like what my soul and inner workings are yearning for. I am going to allow my mind to go blank and free up the energy I need to expel. The dark, the light, the joyous, the painful.
I am also going to spend a significant time connecting with my camera (not just my iphone) over the next eight weeks and getting back to the space where we love each other again. I have neglected that sacred and most loved tool of mine and I am gong to reclaim that energy.
I am going to spend time inspiring my children to create and be creative and see where that takes them.
I am going to stretch and stregthen my core, my body, my core values, my spirit. Altogether.
I'm going to grow and it will be painful (all growth has growing pains), but also it will be freeing (all growth bears freedom).
I am going to live with the bold intention of filling my own cup first. Of redirecting myself BACK onto my path. Of valuing my journey and that of others around me.
I'm going to allow myself the responsibility of my own experience. So that I may get strong and solid in my soul. I am going to ground myself so that I may learn to fly.
*Pixie Campbell is an interesting soul whom I have recently stumbled upon through the gorgeous divinity of the interweb. This quote came from a blog post she wrote over on her self titled site.
i love YOUR words.
looking forward to more posts, more art and more of you telling me about your journey:)
Posted by: lisa | 07/11/2013 at 04:47 PM
And you are going to spend some time with your Bestie and her daughter with some quality bonding time. Love uou, snd great read :)
Posted by: Renyen | 07/04/2013 at 08:41 AM